Blueberry Cobbler Ice Cream


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  • Five (5) – Ten (10) lbs. ice
  • Three (3) – Four (4) cups of Rock Salt
  • Two (2) cups heavy whipping cream
  • One (1) cup whole milk
  • One (1) cup granulated sugar
  • One (1) tbsp. vanilla
  • One (1) cup blueberries
  • One (1) pre-made pie crust (we like gram cracker)


  • Place blueberries in freezer.
  • Mix whipping cream, milk, sugar and vanilla with a large spoon and place in ice cream container. Start churning and add several layers of ice and rock salt between the ice cream container and the bucket.  Churn for 20 – 25 minutes.
  • While waiting, brush the yoke from one egg on a pre-made pie crust and bake for approx. 5-8 min. Cool and break into bite size pieces.
  • Once ice cream is ready, fold in the frozen blueberries and pie crust crumbles. (I recommend setting some of the pie crust crumbles aside to garnish with).
  • Place in freezer for two hours or until desired consistency.
  • Garnish with remaining pie crust crumbles.


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